Thursday, September 9, 2010

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Sto. Niño Images

The Holy Child Jesus of Cebu, commonly known as Sto. Niño.
It is a Figure of a Roman Catholic Religion. 

A  little Sto. Niño in Cathedral
Sto. Niño in SRP

cat and dog

Black and White Photography

Black is experienced when there is no visible light that reaches the human eye. White is the color that stimulates the human eye. What happens when black and white combines? You might think the answer is gray but my answers are BEAUTY and ART the STUDIO MAESTRO way.


It is only in the heart that one can see rightly. What is essential
is invisible to the eye. -The Little Prince-


A woman and a man doesn't have to be lovers.
Sometimes, it is better to be friends than more than friends.


You just have to unwind and to rest your mind.

A wrinkled forehead from a handsome face.

Looking that far to search for answers.

It's not religion that saves, it's FAITH.

Pictures by Junbert Holanda

Words by Chinky Lim


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